My Black Dog Poem about Depression

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Read Time:1 Minute, 28 Second
In the dark and lonely night,
A black dog creeps into sight,
With eyes so dark and sad and deep,
It haunts my dreams and wakes my sleep.

It follows me wherever I go,
A shadow lurking, ever slow,
And though I try to run away,
It seems to find me every day.

Its fur is shaggy, dull and black,
Its claws are sharp, its teeth are jagged,
It growls and snarls, a fearsome sound,
And circles me as I stand my ground.

The black dog of depression is its name,
And it stalks me with a deadly aim,
To drag me down into its depths,
And steal away my happiness.

It whispers lies into my ear,
That no one loves me, no one's near,
That life is pointless, dull and grey,
And I should just give up and fade away.

I try to fight it with all my might,
To chase it off into the night,
But it's always there, just out of sight,
Waiting for me to lose the fight.

Sometimes I manage to push it away,
And I see the light of a brighter day,
But it always returns, stronger than before,
And I find myself lost once more.

So I cling to hope, and to those I love,
And I pray for strength from above,
To keep the black dog at bay,
And make it through another day.

For though the struggle is long and hard,
And sometimes I feel so scarred,
I know that I must keep on going,
And keep the black dog from overtaking.

For there is a world of beauty and light,
And though it's often out of sight,
It's worth the fight to keep it in view,
And banish the black dog's gloom.
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