Attention Deficit Disorder (version 1)

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Read Time:1 Minute, 24 Second
ADD, a constant presence in my mind
A force that pulls me from behind
A swirling mass of thoughts and noise
That keeps me from finding poise

It's hard to focus, hard to sit
To keep my mind from wandering it
From task to task, from thought to thought
The world around me seems so fraught

With distractions, endless sights and sounds
My mind spins, it knows no bounds
I struggle to keep it in control
To channel it, to make it whole

But sometimes, it just won't comply
And my thoughts go off to fly
To places far and wide and free
Leaving behind my present reality

I know it's not my fault, this ADD
It's just a part of who I came to be
A different way of seeing the world
A different way of having it unfurled

But still, it's hard to navigate
To find a way to mitigate
The constant pull of my own mind
The thoughts that come, unrefined

And yet, there's something to be said
For the way my mind is constantly led
By curiosity and endless wonder
A thirst for knowledge, for things to ponder

So I embrace this part of me
This ADD that's come to be
I work to find a way to cope
To find a way to live and hope

That despite the noise and endless chatter
I can still find what truly matters
In this life that's ever-moving
In this world that's ever-proving

That we can overcome, we can adapt
We can learn to live with what we have
And though it may not be easy, it's true
There's still so much we can do.
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